Ban - How to ban someone ?
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 3:30 PM
Ban by username.

Is realized by means of reproofs.

Ban by IP address.

Is realized by means of admin-bar and forbids activity on the whole site.

Admin Bar » Control » IP blocking

1. Each IP address must be entered in a new line.
2. You can specify both full IP addresses and subnetworks (e.g. "205.105" means 205.105.x.x).

The bans both by a username and IP prohibits user’s activity but doesn’t prevent him from viewing the site. If you want to prohibit someone from viewing the site you must adjust user group permissions. There are the following options for this purpose:

1. View users' personal pages (profiles)
2. Read comments
3. Read forums (ability to enter a forum)
4. Read entries (Guestbook, Publisher, Blog, Site News)
5. View photos
6. Browse the catalog (File Catalog, Site Catalog)
7. View Ad Board
8. Read FAQ
9. Post mail forms
10. Take part in polls

You must remember that IP ban doesn’t mean that you have got rid of a hooligan forever. Many users have dynamic IPs, some users use proxy and some have a corporative network: if you ban one user you’ll also ban a number of harmless users. And don’t forget that the ban by a username is also not the best decision: it’s not a problem to register a new username. You can use the following methods to protect your site from undesirable visitors:

1. Create a separate group with no permissions and move there all delinquents.

2. Ordinary users can read everything but their permissions to write are limited. Only checked users can write.

I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 1931

Message # 31 | 4:40 PM
Check if you didn't gave reproof with permanent block.
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 8
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Message # 32 | 9:46 AM
It was some preblem with my site because when the user's been warned, when they open my site the next time, they don't need to log-in again because the browser already remember their password. The problem is because of that, they status still don't change, and they can still access my site just like Checked member do.

Is there anyone know how to make everybody in my site re-login again when they enter the site.

Thank you

Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 33 | 10:02 AM
WAWA, ban users by means of reproofs, it this case they won't be able to do anything even if they are still logged in.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 8
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Message # 34 | 1:42 PM
Oh thank you, Sunny.

I'll try it. Will tell you if it's work or not.

Added (2010-04-10, 7:42 Am)

Well i'm sorry for bothering you guys again.
But I still have some problem with deleted member can access my site.
Some of the deleted member when they enter the site, their status are still being one of the checked member. And it's a big problem.
I don't want them to read any module in my site.

I guess this is a problem of cookies or history of browser or something
(I'm sorry I don't know much about this.)
Is there anyway to make the visitor re-login again when they come to my site?
What do I do If I don't want their browser to remember any cookies?

Thank you.

Post edited by WAWA - Saturday, 2010-04-10, 1:43 PM
Posts: 1931

Message # 35 | 2:10 PM
WAWA, did you mark "Block permanently" when adding reproof?
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 8
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Message # 36 | 3:56 PM
Dartz, Yes I did. The problem is "reproof" can block only their activity.
The user can still access the site (view publisher, blog and all) which I don't want them to.

It's like, the module can only view by "checked and higher", then some of the checked member's been changed to users/banned.
But their browser still remember them as a checked member so they can still view the publisher and blog.
(yes, they can't comment. But the problem is not about they did comment or not. It's just I don't want them to be able to read and all)

I've try check it with 2 different browser, Firefox and Chrome. I created an account and grouped it as a checked member.
Then I log-in this user in Firefox. Then use the other browser access to admin bar > control panel.
I changed group of this account into "Users", which I set their permission not to be able to view blog and publ.
When everything's done. I close all the browser (after carefully checked that everything's saved)
And opened Firefox again and access the site. The account still log-in,
I tried to refresh the page, but their status still don't change from checked to users.

the only way to make everything change is to log-out and log-in again.
I've try doing the same thing, this time try to delete an account. But when closed the browser and open the site.
I still have an account. - - so that's why I asked if there's anything I can do to make my user re-login when they enter the site.

ps. I use the main site, most active on publ and blog. Didn't use thread and forum much.
I and my friends write our own fiction and post them on the site. (It's in Thai, but don't worry, nothing in our work is improper :]
I use uCoz for about 2 months now and become Premium not so long ago.

Your site is great to me, it's just that I want to ask if you guys could help me with this
because recently I have a problem with some readers copy my fiction and posting around, which I hate it.
I want to remove them from being my site's user, but after 3 days of trying every ways. They still can access.

Thank you again :]

Post edited by WAWA - Saturday, 2010-04-10, 3:57 PM
Posts: 1931

Message # 37 | 10:24 PM
aquagnuzz, I PM'd you about messing in threads with re-informing.

WAWA, this shouldn't happen. Please provide your website's url.

And did you try banning IP addresses?

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
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Message # 38 | 8:02 AM
Sure, i did. But it think that person use kind of like an internet cafe. And banning IP address won't help.
Here's my site www.*******.com (attached to uCoz url - http://*********)
(I use local user. don't accept new registration for a while by changing the registration page so they can't sign up)

last night (my own timezone)
I open the page with the user all night and in the morning when I refresh the page again it said 'session time out'
Is this thing possible to help with my problem? I mean, is there anyway to make session time out happen more quickly?

Post edited by WAWA - Sunday, 2010-04-11, 6:41 PM
Posts: 1931

Message # 39 | 12:15 PM
WAWA, why don't you just delete the account? You have local users.
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 8
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Message # 40 | 12:33 PM
Quote (WAWA)

I've try doing the same thing, this time try to delete an account. But when closed the browser and open the site.
I still have an account.

I already said. I did.
and my last comment that reply to aquagnuzz, I even said that I asked my friend to log-in a new account
and I deleted them but she still can view the site after closing all the browser one time.

Posts: 1931

Message # 41 | 6:33 PM
We, I and Mike (mehaNik) checked and came to conclusion it's a bug.
It was reported. As alternative we recommend you to use this script:

<script type="text/javascript">if('$USERNAME$'=='UserName')window.location.href="http://YourSiteURL/index/10-0-0";</script>

Place this script between <head></head> tags inside Site Pages.
It will force user to logout, before change his account to Blocked.

Example, me forcing Mike to logout in my website.

<script type="text/javascript">if('$USERNAME$'=='Mike')window.location.href="";</script>

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 130
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Message # 42 | 10:34 PM
How do i auto transfer banned members. I've made a group and a group image for banned members how do i make it so when a member is banned it auto transfers into the group? join rsps 508/525
Posts: 102
Reputation: 6

Message # 43 | 10:41 PM
rebelion, "Banned Members" is already a group. Where do you want to transfer them?

Georgian Mountain Dog (Tarti) named "Balta" - On the avatar
Posts: 130
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Message # 44 | 10:55 PM
It is? i don't see it in my user group is it named blocked? join rsps 508/525
Posts: 18
Reputation: 2

Message # 45 | 11:58 AM
yes thats the user group

if u ban someone place them in there

( thats what id do )

u can change the name Blocked to Banned Also

Post edited by Scubs - Saturday, 2010-05-01, 11:58 AM