Moderator Options
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Message # 46 | 7:27 PM
problem solved ...believe me you don't want to know what i did wrong
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Message # 47 | 11:20 AM
Hi there... 1 Question: Is it possible to change "Sticky" Threads back to "normal" Status? (by Admin or Mod)
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Message # 48 | 11:25 AM
Lemmi, yes, in the same way as it was stuck - "Unstick thread" on Moderator Options.
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Message # 49 | 11:59 AM
Quote (Sunny)
Lemmi, yes, in the same way as it was stuck - "Unstick thread" on Moderator Options.

thats the prob, this function doesn't appear in my "moderator options", although i'm the Admin of the Board AND Mod in this specific Forum.... What else can be wrong...?

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Message # 50 | 12:17 PM
Lemmi, do you see other moderator options? Check also user group permissions in Control Panel -> Users -> User groups.
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Message # 51 | 1:53 PM
Yes, i can see them... Group Permissions are checked too, both Mod & Admins can edit Postings and stick threads, but there is no permission with name "unstick thread" to check in Section "forum".... is it elsewhere?

Added (2010-04-09, 7:53 Am)
aaaah, i got it! Option "unstick thread" was only availlable in english language of the board, not in german (i run it in german)... maybe a bug?

however, problem solved. thank you!

Attachments: 3598942.jpeg (12.1 Kb)
Post edited by Lemmi - Friday, 2010-04-09, 1:49 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 52 | 1:57 PM
Lemmi, is the thread where you are looking for this option sticked? When a thread is not sticked the option "Stick thread" is displayed, when a thread is sticked the option "Unstick thread" is displayed. They are not displayed both.
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Message # 53 | 2:08 PM
Quote (Sunny)
They are not displayed both.
i know... but this thread was sticked and the option still wasn't appearing in german language version, but after i switched to english, it was possible to "unstick" the thread. now everything is ok.
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Message # 54 | 2:13 PM
Lemmi, I will check it now, and if it a bug I will report about it.
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Message # 55 | 2:17 PM
I do not see any problems, the option is present - "Tema nach unten verschieben".
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Message # 56 | 2:10 PM
I am administrator and I can't see any moderator options or edit my own posts.
I have checked my permissions and they are all checked for admin
Posts: 9296
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Message # 57 | 2:48 PM
Ne1cy, check the option "Use control functions (marked in red) only in forums where a user is the moderator", it must not be marked.
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Message # 58 | 7:51 AM

Thread splitting. Splitting of a thread allows to move some of the posts to a new thread. In case of moving posts are transferred to another thread, and in case of splitting they are transferred to a new thread, the name and location of which you must specify. Select "Split thread" on the drop-down list and click ОК.

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Message # 59 | 2:22 PM

Where Is Moderator Options ?

i can`t find it

Please Help Fast I can`t unstick or stick or close or split any topic

Attachments: 8560935.png (177.9 Kb) · 2586315.png (30.5 Kb)
Post edited by Cinema4D - Monday, 2010-12-06, 12:29 PM
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 60 | 3:48 PM
Cinema4D, again - read the rules,

I don't want to have to tell you again.

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Post edited by CreativeCollusions - Saturday, 2010-12-04, 3:53 PM