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Quote (CreativeCollusions) read the rules, http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/30-3739-1 change font color and size to normal To busy building a passive income online ;)
Cinema4D, have you read any of my posts concerning you breaking the rules? I've told you in different threads now, I've given you a reproof, your on your last warning.
someone help me edit the e-mail login login bar. thank many
Added (2010-12-22, 7:07 Am) |
clik_into_my, it has been discussed here http://www.forum.ucoz.com/forum/7-10595-1 Next time use search and ask your questions in the proper thread.
I have a bigger promblem than this.I am the admin and I can't move threads,delete threads,close threads etc.I made another user to be a mod and I have the same promblem.I check on the control panel if the users can do all this actions and they can.I have tick to all of these.I tried the mozilla firefox and I can't do anything.I had a site that I could do all these but in my new site I can't do anything.I can't make even a sticky topic!Please Help!
Admin0861, check permission of your groups in CP->Main » Users » User groups » Set permissions for all groups->Forum->Stick threads. If your group is allowed you will see the options "Stick thread", "Stick the first post" in the moderators options of your forum.
look at this image , do you have these options ?, these are the moderator options to stick , move and close threads Attachments:
(5.3 Kb)
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Admin0861, go to CP ---> User ---> User Groups ---> Administrator ---> Forum --->
and enable these things: To busy building a passive income online ;)
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