Online Games Module
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 1 | 2:36 PM

To start working with this module you need to install it. The module can be installed in the Control Panel of your website -> "Inactive" tab.

When installing the module you will see two options:

Without content and Online games set

If you select without content you will have a full-featured module that you will be able to use as you like. Module name by default will be "Online Games" but it can be changed in Control Panel in module settings; there you can also customize fields for adding of new entries. Default phrases for the module can be changed in the "Substitution of default phrases" section on the main page of Control Panel.

If you select Online games set you will not only get a full-featured ready-to-work module, but also content with the possibility of its regular updating (the option "Update game database automatically" during installation). The default set includes games of various genres and categories – online games, downloadable games, mobile games.
You can edit/delete all default content and add your own games.

The new module "Online Games" is one of the most general-purpose modules. It has such possibilities as adding of sections, categories, filters; a lot of additional fiends; new features added by default.

Module templates have the new rating system by default (in the form of stars).

It has the following code in Page with entry full text and its comments template:


There are 12 different image sets, each of them is available in 4 sizes.

$IMGS_ARRAY_JS$ is realized in the module – in the form of screenshots on the page with entry full text and its comments.

When adding an entry, you fill the field "Images" by means of uploading your images which are then displayed as thumbnails on an entry page. After you click on such thumbnail, an Ajax window with all images of this entry will open.

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Message # 46 | 6:23 AM
Quote (Dartz)
For me adding two images isn't a problem. Did you touch any code or
settings of game module? Like "Fields of a new entry form" in Module

Nope, never touched it.

Heres some screenshots I tried to upload:,

Attachments: 5725504.png (9.6 Kb) · 3928487.png (8.2 Kb)

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Post edited by Mistory - Saturday, 2009-09-26, 9:14 PM
Posts: 1931

Message # 47 | 6:24 AM
Image size is the problem. The inside picture must be at least 150x150
or it wont display. You can change this option in Game Module Settings.

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 1570
Reputation: 58

Message # 48 | 6:24 AM
Ok, well I tried this and its still not worked. Ive just uploaded acouple more games manualy and even changed the settings in Game Module Settings and its still not working.
Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

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Posts: 1931

Message # 49 | 6:24 AM
What settings you changed?
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
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Reputation: 58

Message # 50 | 6:24 AM
Quote (Dartz)
What settings you changed?

"Maximum image dimensions" - To 170x170
"Maximum size of an image" - To 1500 KB

But the screenshots still do nto show wacko

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Posts: 1931

Message # 51 | 6:24 AM
How big is image? It can't be less than 170x170!
[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
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Message # 52 | 6:24 AM
They are all 150x112 and file size is normaly around 25 KB to 35 KB
Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Post edited by Mistory - Sunday, 2009-09-27, 11:45 AM
Posts: 1931

Message # 53 | 6:25 AM
I am losing my patience. If you don't read my posts properly, I wont help!

I told you, you need at least, I repeat for idiots, at least 150x150 if you set
your settings to 150x150. Now you have 150x112, which means you must
set in Module Settings 110x110 not 170x170. If you want someone nicer to
help, then say, I will ignore you and let Sunny deal with kid who can't read
English when his native is English. Yes, I am nowhere near nice & wont be.

[... With uCoz since December 2 2007 ...]
Posts: 1570
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Message # 54 | 6:25 AM
Its worked, sorry. I thought it was Mazimum file size, not minimize to that certain size.
And yes I would prefer nicer help, so I will try to earn, and sorry for loosing your patience sad

And Thankyou ever so much for the help smile

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

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Message # 55 | 6:25 AM
When I put the game url on there then go to play the game the screen is just blank in the little game windw can someone please help me!!!!
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 56 | 6:25 AM
tutter, make sure the url is correct. And provide the link to this game on your website.
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Posts: 1570
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Message # 57 | 6:25 AM
I searched and found: 0

Is there a code for this:
My site doesn't have it, and I was wondering how do you add it? Please help smile

Attachments: 1427599.png (21.4 Kb)

Kind regards,

"The best uCoz" critic since 2007.
Qualified website, branding, print & user interface designer.

I'm on Behance and Twitter.
Post edited by Mistory - Thursday, 2009-10-08, 5:31 PM
Posts: 27
Reputation: 2

Message # 58 | 6:25 AM
Hi Mistory This is the code for that category table add this code before $BODY$ will display it.

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<td width="50%"><div style="background:transparent url('/.s/games/icon/32action.png') no-repeat 0 0;padding:7px 0;padding-left:37px;font-size:13pt;font-weight:bold;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/stuff/action_arcade/1">Action & Arcade</a></td>
<td><div style="background:transparent url('/.s/games/icon/32cards.png') no-repeat 0 0;padding:7px 0;padding-left:37px;font-size:13pt;font-weight:bold;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/stuff/card_board/2">Cards & Boards</a></td>
<td><div style="background:transparent url('/.s/games/icon/32puzzle.png') no-repeat 0 0;padding:7px 0;padding-left:37px;font-size:13pt;font-weight:bold;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/stuff/puzzle/3">Puzzle</a></td>
<td><div style="background:transparent url('/.s/games/icon/32word.png') no-repeat 0 0;padding:7px 0;padding-left:37px;font-size:13pt;font-weight:bold;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/stuff/word/4">Words</a></td>
<td><div style="background:transparent url('/.s/games/icon/32object.png') no-repeat 0 0;padding:7px 0;padding-left:37px;font-size:13pt;font-weight:bold;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/stuff/hidden_object/5">Hidden object</a></td>
<td><div style="background:transparent url('/.s/games/icon/32strategy.png') no-repeat 0 0;padding:7px 0;padding-left:37px;font-size:13pt;font-weight:bold;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/stuff/strategy/6">Strategy</a></td>
<td><div style="background:transparent url('/.s/games/icon/32multiuser.png') no-repeat 0 0;padding:7px 0;padding-left:37px;font-size:13pt;font-weight:bold;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/stuff/multiuser/8">Multiuser</a></td>
<td><div style="background:transparent url('/.s/games/icon/32other.png') no-repeat 0 0;padding:7px 0;padding-left:37px;font-size:13pt;font-weight:bold;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/stuff/other/7">Other</a></td>

Added (2009-10-08, 5:07 Pm)

(Design Management (CSS) -> Online Games -> Module Main Page) Template

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Post edited by RKxL - Thursday, 2009-10-08, 11:07 PM
Posts: 296
Reputation: 10

Message # 59 | 6:26 AM
when a person makes a comment on a game, it displays the "no icon" icon, but i don't have the code in the module. how to fix this?
Web design and film == my 2 passions.

Genesis Inc. ~ New Horizons, New Beginnings
Posts: 9296
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Message # 60 | 6:26 AM
NTP, be more specific and show me a screenshot.
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