Sites, inaccessible from the UK
Posts: 19
Reputation: 3

Message # 1 | 3:32 PM
hi i live in the uk and my website wont seem to load, after a few mins i get the page cannot be displayed. ive also got 7 other friends who also use ucoz and theirs is also the same.
im unable to log into my control panel too.
has anyone got any ideas why its down? we paid money as well so its not like we are a free user!

Posts: 487
Reputation: 77

Message # 2 | 3:37 PM
what's your sites link?

Could be that ucoz is having some problems at the time, though my site, and a lot others, I've visited recently, work well.

Posts: 19
Reputation: 3

Message # 3 | 3:39 PM
its or
Posts: 487
Reputation: 77

Message # 4 | 3:50 PM
Well the site loads just fine now.
Posts: 19
Reputation: 3

Message # 5 | 3:52 PM
could it be a problem with us in the uk?? i cant understand why it loads there but not here.

ive had people from all over the uk try it and no one can get on. we get a blank page for ages followed by a page cannot be displayed.
any ideas??

Posts: 22
Reputation: -1

Message # 6 | 4:54 PM
jonsaint, this usually happens with the Ucoz sites!

For me, your site worked fine for now!
Posts: 19
Reputation: 3

Message # 7 | 5:52 PM
is it possible to restart the servers?? i dont understand why we cant get the site, plus i cant even log into my control panel. i know folks in the states can see our site but no one in the uk can.


Posts: 487
Reputation: 77

Message # 8 | 5:54 PM
You should contact tech. support.
There's obviously some problem with more ucoz sites.
Posts: 19
Reputation: 3

Message # 9 | 5:56 PM
where would i contact tech support?
Posts: 487
Reputation: 77

Message # 10 | 5:56 PM
Posts: 19
Reputation: 3

Message # 11 | 6:04 PM
thanks. i just sent em one. how long does it normally take for them to respond?
Posts: 487
Reputation: 77

Message # 12 | 6:09 PM
Not really sure, haven't had the need to contact them myself, though I'm guessing it shouldn't take too long, just give it some time. wink
Posts: 19
Reputation: 3

Message # 13 | 10:07 PM
aaahhhh! when do these tech guys respond? its been over 12hrs now and still nothing.
i cant believe that my sites been down for so long, why dont they want to help me!
why cant someone understand that its working in the usa but not in the uk?????
Posts: 26
Reputation: 9

Message # 14 | 9:29 AM
1 - Give us exemple of Trassert
2 - Why are you leading as an example ?
It has nothing to do with uCoz.

Post edited by Meddy - Monday, 2008-11-24, 9:30 AM
Posts: 19
Reputation: 3

Message # 15 | 11:26 AM
well the .com is easier for folks to find which does point to the site

ie sent in another e-mail to support with the trace route but its still very strange why the whole world can see the site yet no one in the whole of the uk can!

i cant even get into my control panel. when i enter the username (sitename) and password it just sits there for 5 mins before i get a page cannot be displayed. same as the site.
