Forum moderator: bigblog  
Can't connect to a uCoz website
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 1 | 3:23 PM
Please check uCoz Server Status' in the following thread before posting:

When posting messages here, make sure that the website is inaccessible for everyone and not just for you.

  • Provide the link to the inaccessible website.
  • Specify its server number if you know it.
  • Post the traceroute results (see the instructions here: ). If your website is inaccessible and you see Error 500 or 404 there is no need in providing the tracing results.
  • Indicate your IP address
  • If you can open the website in one browser, but can't do it in another, it means that there is a problem with browser settings or firewall.
  • If other users can access your website and you can't, most probably there are problems at your provider's end. See more here:

Posts: 25
Reputation: 0

Message # 16 | 3:26 PM
Doesnt works again... Restarting modem doesnt helps anymore. Disabled antivirus, restarted PC etc, nothing helps... Site just keep ''loading'' forever...

My Traceroute:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

'traceroute' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

        1     8 ms     8 ms     7 ms  PC []
        2     7 ms     9 ms     7 ms
        3    10 ms     7 ms     7 ms
        4    17 ms    17 ms    17 ms [195.219
        5    29 ms    25 ms    24 ms [195.219.131.
        6    52 ms    51 ms    49 ms [80.231.
        7    48 ms    53 ms    54 ms [80.231
        8    49 ms    49 ms    49 ms [
        9    43 ms    44 ms    42 ms [
       10    53 ms    52 ms    51 ms [
       11    53 ms    51 ms    60 ms [
       12    50 ms    53 ms    52 ms [
       13   138 ms   137 ms   137 ms [
       14   139 ms   141 ms   139 ms [
       15   167 ms   164 ms   164 ms []
       16   158 ms   159 ms   161 ms []

       17   144 ms   146 ms   274 ms []
       18   145 ms   145 ms   154 ms []
       19     *        *        *     Request timed out.
       20     * []  reports: Destinatio
n net unreachable.

Trace complete.


Help please!!!! cry

And if I boot into Linux, then site works fine... I dont understand, whats wrong...

Edit: Okay, it doesnt works on Linux too anymore... wtef is going on? sad

Ahh, I guess this is serious... Anybody can access my site except me. Even if I can, then it works for a few minutes and then disconnects again.

Added (2010-10-30, 1:21 Am)
anybody? sad

Post edited by redpepper007 - Friday, 2010-10-29, 10:11 PM
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 17 | 3:26 PM
redpepper007, do you still have this problem? Your IP could be blocked by the server but at the moment it is not in the block list.
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
Posts: 25
Reputation: 0

Message # 18 | 3:27 PM
Sunny, now, after this weekend, it works again... I really dont understand why is this happening (usually happens as soon as I try to edit some site pages)

Added (2010-10-31, 2:08 PM)
Ahhh, now it wont work again... Edited a few pages and BAM, page loads forever... sad What is causing this?

Post edited by redpepper007 - Sunday, 2010-10-31, 8:08 PM
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 19 | 3:27 PM
redpepper007, The traceroute of yours means that you have been banned. It happens if there are too many “get” and “post” requests from the website. From the website itself. It means that the site scripts that are responsible for this function are being used.
To avoid it - do not refresh the page more than 5 times per minute. Do not place the scripts that send requests to the servers more often than 5 times a minute.
Posts: 25
Reputation: 0

Message # 20 | 3:27 PM
Natashko, but if I edit design, I do some changes and I wanna look how it looks now. I dont set up a timer for 1 minute...

And then why do I get unbanned in a few hours? And I dont use such scripts you mentioned. Except PM notifier script, but it doesnt causes problems for other users...

Posts: 43
Reputation: 9

Message # 21 | 3:27 PM
I still have a problem.
Every night I can not connect to my site. (S102), I contacted my provider and he tells me that for them everything is fine, and that it is possible that my IP address blocked.

This is a picture that shows me errors when I try to connect to the site.

It only happens between the 20:00 - 24:00 and starts to work in the morning from 02:00 to 04:00.

Is it possible that my IP address blocked? I have a problem in Serbia, because our internet provider share a single IP address to many users.

Sorry for bad English. Thanks for all answers.

Added (2010-11-01, 3:09 PM)

Quote (Natashko)
The traceroute of yours means that you have been banned. It happens if there are too many “get” and “post” requests from the website. From the website itself. It means that the site scripts that are responsible for this function are been used.
To avoid it - do not refresh the page more than 5 times per minute. Do not place the scripts that send requests to the servers more often than 5 times a minute.

Quote (redpepper007)
Natashko, but if I edit design, I do some changes and I wanna look how it looks now. I dont set up a timer for 1 minute...
And then why do I get unbanned in a few hours? And I dont use such scripts you mentioned. Except PM notifier script, but it doesnt causes problems for other users...

I have this script(PM Notifier), I installed a few days ago, then it began crashing the site. I will delete this script when my site go online, and i will inform you in few days...

Attachments: 3716944.jpg (17.7 Kb)
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 22 | 3:27 PM
redpepper007, try to delete PM notifier script.
The website is being banned for an hour. After this it is available again. But due to the scripts of yours it is getting banned again.
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 23 | 3:27 PM
Natashko, i have the PM notifer a long time and i never had the problem , my problem started a week ago if i'm just changing design and re-visiting my website it keeps loading forever.
To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 24 | 3:28 PM
Animorph, redpepper007, rogi, This banning started recently in order to be protected from Spam (in comments and forums) and site content copying first of all. Second of all we need to protect the system from the ignorant scripts which are a big load.

To avoid it: make sure that the website of yours doesn't contain the scripts that send requests to the server for dynamic pages automatically and more often than 1 time per minute. You may use from 1 to 2 request per minute (5 tops). In other cases, use Informers.
We also recommend to delete the PM notifier script

Posts: 25
Reputation: 0

Message # 25 | 3:28 PM
Natashko, the PM notifier script is awesome thing, the last thing I wanna do is to get rid of it. Maybe uCoz should create such informer or something the same as this script..
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 26 | 3:28 PM
Indeed i really hate that new test/update , i cannot even have my own scripts on my website anymore without it shutting down every 10 minutes

Could uCoz not find another way ?

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 27 | 3:28 PM
redpepper007, Animorph, You need to optimize the scripts. Make sure that the number of server requests is minimum. Do it via “get” and “post” requests.
Quote (Natashko)
We also recommend to delete the PM notifier script

It is a recommendation - not an order.
Posts: 294
Reputation: 10

Message # 28 | 3:28 PM
Natashko, for how long will we be banned?
Posts: 2856
Reputation: 189

Message # 29 | 3:28 PM
Quote (Natashko)
The website is being banned for an hour. After this it is available again.

To busy building a passive income online ;)
Posts: 3366
Reputation: 171

Message # 30 | 3:29 PM
jackass, it depends on the reason. Up to three hours in this case.