uCoz Community Additional Services Domain Transfer Domain Transfer: General Discussion (custom domain, subdomains. domain-based email) |
Domain Transfer: General Discussion |
General Information It is possible to attach a custom domain to your uCoz website, e.g. mysite.com, mysite.net etc., for FREE.
Domain Attachment FAQ Question: How can I create a subdomain? Answer: Please see the following guide: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/54-435-6436-16-1218803195 Question: Can I attach two domains to my website? Answer: No, it is not possible. Question: Can I change the ucoz domain, e.g.: mysite.ucoz.co.uk to mysiteEtc.ucoz.co.uk. Is this allowed and how? Answer: No, once you have chosen a domain name you cannot change it, you can only create a new website. Question: How do i setup my uCoz web page in my own domain? I did try but failed. I can see this error message: The domain djcaner.biz has been parked but not yet attached to the account. Domain has incorrect set of name servers: ns1.hostavrupa.net, ns2.hostavrupa.net The following list of the name servers must be applied: ns1.ucoz.net, ns2.ucoz.net Answer: The system gives you the answer: You must change the name servers in the domain control panel (your account on the website where you registered the domain). 1. How to Attach a Domain by Method 2: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/54-18149-1 2. How to Attach a Domain by Method 3: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/54-18150-1 What's the difference between Method 2 and Method 3? When you use Method 2, your new domain is hosted at uCoz servers. If you use Method 3 - you just change the domain name (to be more precise you just get one more name for your site because it will be accessible by both names - the new one and the old one) but your domain remains hosted at another registrar's servers. So the difference is in the place where your new domain is hosted - either at uCoz or not. I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
vaibhavmav, I am not sure i understand you. Please be more specific. Provide the name of your website within uCoz web-services as well as the name of the domain you want to attach. Specify your actions step by step. A screenshot would be useful.
am was having the problem in subdomain atachment but google sucessfully helped me for ex my domain- www.amazingfatcgame.co.in my subdomian- www.team.amazingfatcgame.co.in Post edited by vaibhavmav - Tuesday, 2011-11-08, 4:20 PM
i attached a subdomain but will appear this when i clik park domain
![]() Attachments:
(8.9 Kb)
Post edited by adytzu1_vl01 - Thursday, 2011-12-15, 10:45 AM
Can ANyone help me i have tried creating the subdomain thevault to my domain http://pirateshaven.org and then attatch the http://thevault.pirateshaven.org to my other site namely thevault.at.ua but got Server not found error on Firefox! i have cleared the cache twice but the problem is stil resilient,
Thanks Its Sorted Now
I went back to the original site deleted the subdomain and saved then recreated it and it worked ![]() in control panel disable Quote a primary one: Add the prefix www. to the domain thevault.pirateshaven.org automatically. Post edited by shadychiri - Sunday, 2012-01-08, 9:49 AM
Dr_Ramon, the guide on subdomain creation is in the following post: http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/37-435-6436-16-1218803195
I'm not active on the forum anymore. Please contact other forum staff.
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