Domain Transfer: General Discussion
Posts: 9296
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Message # 1 | 10:25 AM
General Information

It is possible to attach a custom domain to your uCoz website, e.g., etc., for FREE.

  • uCoz gives the possibility of full domain management (creation of subdomains, e-mail accounts etc. if a domain is attached by Method 2);
  • you will be able to create domain-based e-mails (e.g. );
  • you can buy a custom domain at uCoz Domains or any other domain registrar;
  • you'll be able to register your website in directories which prohibit registration of free websites;
  • you'll be able to enter banner exchange networks (or advertising companies) where only paid domains are allowed;
  • with a custom domain users will never lose your website, even if you change the hosting service, the website URL will remain the same;
  • with a custom domain search engines will give you a higher place in search results.

Domain Attachment FAQ

Question: How can I create a subdomain?

Answer: Please see the following guide:

Question: Can I attach two domains to my website?

Answer: No, it is not possible.

Question: Can I change the ucoz domain, e.g.: to Is this allowed and how?

Answer: No, once you have chosen a domain name you cannot change it, you can only create a new website.

Question: How do i setup my uCoz web page in my own domain? I did try but failed. I can see this error message:

The domain has been parked but not yet attached to the account.
Domain has incorrect set of name servers:,
The following list of the name servers must be applied:,

Answer: The system gives you the answer: You must change the name servers in the domain control panel (your account on the website where you registered the domain).

1. How to Attach a Domain by Method 2:
2. How to Attach a Domain by Method 3:

What's the difference between Method 2 and Method 3?

When you use Method 2, your new domain is hosted at uCoz servers. If you use Method 3 - you just change the domain name (to be more precise you just get one more name for your site because it will be accessible by both names - the new one and the old one) but your domain remains hosted at another registrar's servers. So the difference is in the place where your new domain is hosted - either at uCoz or not.

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Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 361 | 1:48 PM
adytzu1_vl01, it is not possible to do what you want. A subdomain can be attached to another website by IP only.

ttxnam, you now have,, and you must put,

HeinLay, so the problem is solved?

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Message # 362 | 6:02 AM
Ok, so if i want to add my forums from, i have to go to cp and find method 3? I cant find it >_>
Posts: 10
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Message # 363 | 6:15 AM
Hi,thanks Sunny biggrin
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 364 | 9:43 AM
Quote (WebMasterGT)
Ok, so if i want to add my forums from, i have to go to cp and find method 3? I cant find it >_>

What exactly do you want to do? To install the forum module or to attach a custom domain? Method 3 is in Control Panel -> Domain attachment.

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Message # 365 | 0:36 AM
i want to attatch the forum that i made in my ucoz website to the url

i want to make this:
into this :

and when i go to cp -> domain attatchment, it shows this:

Attachments: 4214180.jpg (1.1 Kb) · 9392478.jpg (1.0 Kb) · 6992838.jpg (19.2 Kb)
Posts: 10
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Message # 366 | 6:16 AM
I have a google site:
I want to attach subdomain but I don't know to do cry

Posts: 126
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Message # 367 | 7:43 AM
you should ask to Google.This is uCoz Support site.
uCoz forever user from
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Message # 368 | 7:57 AM
Quote (ttxnam)
I have a google site:
I want to attach subdomain but I don't know to do cry


First you need to go to your Google Site's More actions and select Manage site from the drop down.

Next, go to Web Address and type the subdomain you want to use then click Add. (Example:

Next, go to then type your subdomain name on the Subdomain column. On the Type column, set it to CNAME. On the Value column, put in Please refer to the image below if you are having troubles.

If you didn't get my small tutorial, please feel free to give me a PM... happy

It might take 30 minutes to 2 hours or even 1 day before your subdomain will be active or usable. It will not take effect immediately.

"Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer 6." - Microsoft || Join the cause. Help your friends.

Post edited by shadowslash - Thursday, 2010-10-07, 8:04 AM
Posts: 10
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Message # 369 | 7:52 PM
shadowslash, Thank for your help biggrin
Posts: 1
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Message # 370 | 7:30 AM
i have a domain, for example as: i want to set add: can make any substitution ? i hope all user response early.
Posts: 687
Reputation: 41

Message # 371 | 9:42 AM
Quote (VietHomevn)
i have a domain, for example as: i want to set add: can make any substitution ? i hope all user response early.

I can't seem to get what you mean, can you explain further with more details?

"Friends don't let friends use Internet Explorer 6." - Microsoft || Join the cause. Help your friends.

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Message # 372 | 9:45 AM
VietHomevn, once you have chosen the domain name you cannot change it, you can only create a new account.
Posts: 9
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Message # 373 | 3:12 PM
Sunny, Help Please! cry
Attachments: 7669368.png (17.5 Kb)
Posts: 9296
Reputation: 456

Message # 374 | 3:53 PM
seLymmm, did you click Save (on the first screenshot)? How long did you wait? Try to re-attach the subdomain.
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Posts: 31
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Message # 375 | 6:05 AM
Hi there!
I have read all of quotes and answers about "Domain attachment" but i could't to find a way to change "" to "" yet.

when i try to attach domain by "Metod 2"

"The domain has been parked but not yet attached to the account

The request for domain parking is being processed. Please, wait some minutes and reload this page. Usual processing time is 5 minutes.[3:54]

Parking is the creation of special settings on uCoz DNS-servers, which permit to serve requests in user's domain. Parking is just the first stage of domain"

after 5 minute appears this messages

"The domain has been parked but not yet attached to the account

The domain has incorrect set of DNS servers:

After you have bought a domain or have made any changes to its settings you need to wait 12 hours.

The following list of DNS servers must be applied:,"

My question is -is it normal result or not?

what i have to do?- wait till 12 hours or is it not right way?

or may be i have to register as
