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uCoz Community General Information First Steps with uCoz Can't connect to a uCoz website (server is not available, site is down, site inaccessible) |
Can't connect to a uCoz website |
Please check uCoz Server Status' in the following thread before posting: When posting messages here, make sure that the website is inaccessible for everyone and not just for you.
Good morning ,
as I tried to go on the site this morning all seemed to be down again ( Cant connect to remote Server ) think it is on server 47 host tracker shows all regions that could not connect to the server hope the issue can be solved soon site: |
Quote (ehhe) s57 down. Confirm |
My website is down for the last 40 minutes. All other internet resourses are available for me (for instance, I am writing this post now with no problem with access to forum). I don't know the server my website is hosted on. I was not able to reach the website in FF and in IE. I run traceroute command, please find the results below. Looking forward to hearing any news regarding the *********Traceroute command results*************************** C:\Documents and Settings\Admin>tracert Трассировка маршрута к [] с максимальным числом прыжков 30: 1 * * * Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса. [ translation: The expectation interval for inquiry is exceeded] 2 * * * Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса. [ translation: The expectation interval for inquiry is exceeded] 3 54 ms 50 ms 59 ms 4 48 ms 49 ms 49 ms 5 * * * Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса. [ translation: The expectation interval for inquiry is exceeded]ll 6 * * * Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса. [ translation: The expectation interval for inquiry is exceeded] 7 54 ms 49 ms 59 ms [] 8 56 ms 70 ms 60 ms [] 9 62 ms 56 ms 59 ms 10 55 ms 55 ms 49 ms 11 76 ms 89 ms 90 ms [195.34.5 3.85] 12 57 ms 49 ms 50 ms [ 4] 13 59 ms 49 ms 49 ms [] 14 49 ms 49 ms 59 ms [] Трассировка завершена. [tracing is complete ] |
Same here with! Not working already for more than 1,5 hour. Hope that the problem will be solved soon.
EWindfield, Summoner65, ehhe, MitzZa1349, lizard), FOF, Freddyfre, Denny, Andrushka,
The uCoz data servers experienced a downtime in a number of servers : s46, s47, s48, s49, s50, s52, s53, s54, s55, s56, s57, s58, s59, s60, s61, s62, s63, s64, s65, s67, s68, s69, s70, s71, s72, s73, s74, s75, s76, s77, s78, s79, s80, s81, s83, s85, s200, s201, s202, s203, s204, s205, s206, s207, s210, s211, s212, s214. Fortunately the technical team was able to recover all the servers on time and now all the servers are reported to be working and online. The total time on error is : 4 hours, 39 minutes, 15 seconds. Best regards. My Skype : xayan123 | My Twitter : @Officialxayaan
uID : - Zayaan Ibrahim | Need a professional design? Check out my Portfolio | not working
Hi I am not sure if this is the right place to make this bug notification but you might want to check.
Several sites build with U.coz the Logout does not work anymore since several days. the code $LOGOUT_LINK$" referring to ---->> redirects to the Main page but does not Logout I Have tried now on different Pages and it always gets the same result , is it possible to check the Problem. you can check also on this forum Page , same Problem , if you logout it just redirects to the main page but does not Logout Thank you Post edited by Summoner65 - Thursday, 2013-08-15, 3:28 PM
Summoner65, here would be the right place
If you have any third-part scripts they may interfere with the uCoz scripts. Other than that, there probably is faulty code in your template(s), as the url is still working as usual on other sites. I suggest you look over the codes in your template around the login/logout areas, and remove any third-party scripts. You should also make sure your browser is updated, and and some mobile devices have trouble with certain scripts. You could simply set the logout link to "/Index/10", instead of using $LOGOUT_LINK$. Proud uCoz user since 2006
Freelance designer - PixelKhaos on twitter - @PixelKhaos I can help you develop your site for a small fee. Post edited by PixelKhaos - Thursday, 2013-08-15, 5:17 PM
Well if it were only my site I would understand but the issue is with any U.coz site
some members reported the issue to me , so the same thing happens here or on any of the 4 sites I have , even without changing anything on a template . so I I were to log out here it redirects me to the forum front page . there are several members who confirmed the issue. It can also be that a win7 update caused the problem that were installed a few days back. |
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